Let the Cat Lady Blog...Begin!
Welcome! I realized the one of the things I've been secretly wanting to do, but hide from is blogging! I've never thought of myself as an amazing writer but I enjoy sharing my stories, my work, and my thoughts. So let's do this! I'm going to take a step outside my comfort zone and just GO for it! So lets get down to those fun, but actually boring/redundant introductions... First THE most complicated thing. MY NAME! To be honest, I may be in a bit of an identity crisis. You know when you or a friend gives you a nickname, and it just sticks? Well, I've become a common example. I'll show you what I mean.

"HI! My name's Cloe, but my real name is Heather, but my friends call me Cloe! So you can just call me Cloe!" See what I mean? For the sake of everyone's sanity I prefer Cloe :). Heather has faded away to becoming a family name(Love you Mom, but there are too many Heathers in the world, and I get confused when I hear people calling out for "Heather" all the time, even when it's not me!) So there we go. Introduction done! I don't know what everyone wants to know about me, so if you have questions. Fire away! For now..a mini origin story.. Long ago, in a state far away, and hot as balls, in a state called Texas, I'd always wanted cats as a child, however my mother was allergic. The alternative was family dogs, which was pretty awesome as well, but I wanted to learn more about those mysterious feline creatures! When I moved into my own studio apartment in my college years I jumped on the chance and adopted my first cat!

Best. Decision. Ever! Now I'm drawing Cats for a living for people that love cats(even in their most "majestic" moments)as much as I do, and it's so gratifying. I still have a long ways to go, and there's so many goals I want to achieve, but the experience thus far has been amazing, and a huge part of it is interacting and meeting new and returning fans at conventions. So THANK You. For now I'll update this blog once a week every Wednesday!( SHhhhhh..I know...today is a Tuesday..) I'll share with you new projects, the process of developing my brand "Spoonful of Cats", obstacles I may be currently facing, and plans for upcoming conventions :)