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Let the Cat Lady Blog...Begin!

Welcome! I realized the one of the things I've been secretly wanting to do, but hide from is blogging! I've never thought of myself as an amazing writer but I enjoy sharing my stories, my work, and my thoughts. So let's do this! I'm going to take a step outside my comfort zone and just GO for it! So lets get down to those fun, but actually boring/redundant introductions... First THE most complicated thing. MY NAME! To be honest, I may be in a bit of an identity crisis. You know when you or a friend gives you a nickname, and it just sticks? Well, I've become a common example. I'll show you what I mean.

artist of Spoonful of Cats Cloe Bloss

"HI! My name's Cloe, but my real name is Heather, but my friends call me Cloe! So you can just call me Cloe!" See what I mean? For the sake of everyone's sanity I prefer Cloe :). Heather has faded away to becoming a family name(Love you Mom, but there are too many Heathers in the world, and I get confused when I hear people calling out for "Heather" all the time, even when it's not me!) So there we go. Introduction done! I don't know what everyone wants to know about me, so if you have questions. Fire away! For now..a mini origin story.. Long ago, in a state far away, and hot as balls, in a state called Texas, I'd always wanted cats as a child, however my mother was allergic. The alternative was family dogs, which was pretty awesome as well, but I wanted to learn more about those mysterious feline creatures! When I moved into my own studio apartment in my college years I jumped on the chance and adopted my first cat!

Ouran the Cat

Best. Decision. Ever! Now I'm drawing Cats for a living for people that love cats(even in their most "majestic" moments)as much as I do, and it's so gratifying. I still have a long ways to go, and there's so many goals I want to achieve, but the experience thus far has been amazing, and a huge part of it is interacting and meeting new and returning fans at conventions. So THANK You. For now I'll update this blog once a week every Wednesday!( SHhhhhh..I is a Tuesday..) I'll share with you new projects, the process of developing my brand "Spoonful of Cats", obstacles I may be currently facing, and plans for upcoming conventions :)

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